Cliff, Rock, Brick, Pinecone
Monday , November 11 , 2002
(C) 2002 Andrew Smith
Cliff, Rock, Brick, Pinecone is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.25-08-03 - Hello again, if people are still visiting this then thank you, if you email me then I'll promise to send you a little postcard from my little town of Manchester, England (if I can find any), and I also promise to email you to say tanks personally. Anyway, my degree has now finished and I have a shit load of free time on my hands and I'm bored stiff trying to get a job so I'm starting this up again. The web page is going to keep the same layout unless someone want to email me any better ideas for it. I'm also starting up my other website, CollegeHall.co.uk. I'm hoping to start a nice little business building custom computers for people, but until I get broardband and they let me host my own http server from it then it's going to be on the back burner since I'm programming my own backend for taking orders I'd like to use. Until then I'm putting up various bits and pieces that I feel like putting there. That's it for now, I've uploaded the next few comics so I hope you enjoy them and I'll write to you all soon - Have fun
27-05-03 - OMG. CRBP has been down for longer than I can remember. I'm sorry, but it's not really all my fault. Keenspace have been fixing there servers and upgrading them so a lot of comics have been going on and off. Since whenever I tried to access my comic if never found it I gave up and assumed that I'd lost my account. But I was wrong, and it's back up, just when my finals are approaching :( I'm going to be trying to get some comics up now and again but I'm not sure how often there'll be.
10-11-02 - There we go, the comic for tomorrow is up at last. Some time soon I plan on getting the last four comics which I missed, up so you can go back and see them. There should also be some fan art going up within the week provided I can logon. This is the first bit of fan art I've been sent so be sure to send your's in if you do any. That's it for now - Have fun
07-11-02 - Again sorry about the lack of comics lately, but I've been unable to logon to the ftp (again), and this one time I have been able to get on was at Uni. and I don't have the comic with me. I'm going to try again later today, and if it works then, if it does then you should have a nice new comic for next Monday (the 11th) and I'll try and get the back dated ones up also. I've been getting quite a lot of email of you people but I will try and respond to all of you in time, but I do have work to do so it may take some time
15-09-02 - Sorry about the late comic but since last Saturday I have been unable to logon to the ftp to upload it, but now I can as you can see (I hope). Also, there is now a link to the CRBP store where you can buy loads of cool CRBP stuff so please help out a poor guy by buying some thing
27-09-02 - At last! I have a comic :) I've been waiting for this all summer. Just to let you know I plan on adding a new comic every Monday at 00:00 GMT so that by the time people get in to work they can spend a good minute reading the latest comic and hopefully that will make the rest of the day and week easier :) If you have any comments/questions or anything else then drop an email to me at this address
Fan art
Peter Smith :- My first pieces of fan art :) Find them here
G'n'E :- A comic about an Angel and a Devil in training
Sinfest :- This comic has a new plot-line every week or so
1/0 :- None of the people in the comic have a forthwall which produces a very intersting comic. Now finished but worth reading the whole arcive of 1000 strips. It's that good
Warp2Search.net :- A site with loads of the latest computer news. It covers both software and hardware news as well as much more
OSNews :- Focused on any Operating System news, includeing many you might not have heard of
LinuxCompatible :- A nice site devoted to Linux, the open source operating system. Includes update to packages and, as the name sugests, hardware compatiblity
LinuxFromScratch :- Teaches you how to build your own GNU/Linux system from the source code, producing a fully optimised system. Very nice to go through but takes time and requires a good knowledge of computer systems
Random strips :- I sometimes create random strips that don't have anything to do with the main comic, you can find those in here
Store :- The offical CRBP store. Anything you buy from here will be helping me out (well when I get a total $200), and I can tell you this is the only place to get CRBP 'stuff' from
CollegeHall :- This is a website I set up while as University in Halls but there was very little intrest and it soon closed down. Currently hosting my random stuff I upload but hoping to run a business from it some day
Steebo :- A website setup by my good friend Peter Smith, who also does the G'n'E comic. He seems to change the design quite often, but if you have nothing else to do it's worth a quick look
TailStake :- The creator of 1/0 has a new website. It's not just a web comic, it has many elements to it